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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Jun 15, 2017 · 4 revisions

Send an animation message

sendAnimation(chat_id, reply_to_message_id, disable_notification, from_background, reply_markup, animation, width, height, caption)  
Option Description
animation Animation file to send
thumb Animation thumb, if available
width Width of the animation, may be replaced by the server
height Height of the animation, may be replaced by the server
caption Animation caption, 0-200 characters


  • Send animation message from a message with animation id 13.

    sendAnimation(-1001120734798, 0, 0, 1, nil, 13, nil, nil, 'This is a caption')  


      ID = "Message",
      can_be_deleted_ = true,
      can_be_edited_ = false,
      chat_id_ = "-1001120734798",
      content_ = {
        ID = "MessageAnimation",
        animation_ = {
          ID = "Animation",
          animation_ = {
            ID = "File",
            id_ = 13,
            path_ = false,
            persistent_id_ = "CgADBQADqQkAAmWZcgOrnrb11_LuQwI",
            size_ = 629152
          file_name_ = "AssuredFrigidGermanshorthairedpointer.mp4",
          height_ = 1080,
          mime_type_ = "video/mp4",
          thumb_ = {
            ID = "PhotoSize",
            height_ = 68,
            photo_ = {
              ID = "File",
              id_ = 14,
              path_ = false,
              persistent_id_ = "AAQFABNb7MAyAAQHc3yBPdBlu9keAAIC",
              size_ = 4851
            type_ = "s",
            width_ = 90
          width_ = 1920
        caption_ = "This is a caption"
      date_ = 1497540182,
      edit_date_ = 0,
      forward_info_ = false,
      id_ = "1572864000000001",
      is_post_ = false,
      reply_markup_ = false,
      reply_to_message_id_ = 0,
      send_state_ = {
        ID = "MessageIsBeingSent"
      sender_user_id_ = 194211431,
      ttl_ = 0,
      ttl_expires_in_ = 0,
      via_bot_user_id_ = 0,
      views_ = 0
  • Send animation message by its persistent_id.

    sendAnimation(-1001120734798, 0, 0, 1, nil, 'BQADBQADqQkAAmWZcgOrnrb11_LuQwI')  


      ID = "Message",
      can_be_deleted_ = true,
      can_be_edited_ = false,
      chat_id_ = "-1001120734798",
      content_ = {
        ID = "MessageAnimation",
        animation_ = {
          ID = "Animation",
          animation_ = {
            ID = "File",
            id_ = 1323,
            path_ = false,
            persistent_id_ = "BQADBQADqQkAAmWZcgOrnrb11_LuQwI",
            size_ = 0
          file_name_ = false,
          height_ = 0,
          mime_type_ = false,
          thumb_ = false,
          width_ = 0
        caption_ = false
      date_ = 1497539805,
      edit_date_ = 0,
      forward_info_ = false,
      id_ = "1572864000000001",
      is_post_ = false,
      reply_markup_ = false,
      reply_to_message_id_ = 0,
      send_state_ = {
        ID = "MessageIsBeingSent"
      sender_user_id_ = 194211431,
      ttl_ = 0,
      ttl_expires_in_ = 0,
      via_bot_user_id_ = 0,
      views_ = 0

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