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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Dec 8, 2016 · 2 revisions

Searches for messages in all chats except secret.

searchMessages(query, offset_date, offset_chat_id, offset_message_id, limit)

Returns result in reverse chronological order, i. e. in order of decreasing (date, chat_id, message_id).

Option Description
query Query to search for.
offset_date Date of the message to search from, you can use 0 or any date in the future to get results from the beginning.
offset_chat_id Chat identifier of the last found message or 0 for the first request.
offset_message_id Message identifier of the last found message or 0 for the first request.
limit Maximum number of messages to be returned, can't be greater than 100.


searchMessages('dejavu', 0, 0, 0, 17)

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