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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Jun 10, 2017 · 4 revisions

Returns users blocked by the current user.

getBlockedUsers(offset, limit)
Option Description
offset Number of users to skip in result, must be non-negative.
limit Maximum number of users to return, can't be greater than 100.


  • Get 20 blocked users

    getBlockedUsers(0, 20)


      ID = "Users",
      total_count_ = 1,
      users_ = {
        [0] = {
          ID = "User",
          first_name_ = "TGramIndoBot",
          foreign_link_ = {
            ID = "LinkStateNone"
          have_access_ = true,
          id_ = 345829823,
          is_verified_ = false,
          last_name_ = false,
          my_link_ = {
            ID = "LinkStateNone"
          phone_number_ = false,
          profile_photo_ = {
            ID = "ProfilePhoto",
            big_ = {
              ID = "File",
              id_ = 2,
              path_ = false,
              persistent_id_ = "AQADBQADracxG7_xnBQACDogyjIABJzknFpfrOy6LDYEAAEC",
              size_ = 0
            id_ = "1485327780222707629",
            small_ = {
              ID = "File",
              id_ = 1,
              path_ = false,
              persistent_id_ = "AQADBQADracxG7_xnBQACDogyjIABC2rpiTmP3NIKjYEAAEC",
              size_ = 0
          restriction_reason_ = false,
          status_ = {
            ID = "UserStatusEmpty"
          type_ = {
            ID = "UserTypeBot",
            can_join_group_chats_ = true,
            can_read_all_group_chat_messages_ = false,
            inline_query_placeholder_ = "Perintah...",
            is_inline_ = true,
            need_location_ = false
          username_ = "tgramindobot"

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