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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Jun 21, 2017 · 5 revisions

Searches public chat by its username.


Currently only private and channel chats can be public.
Returns chat if found, otherwise some error is returned.

Option Description
username Username to be resolved.


  • Search for @pegelinux public chat.



      ID = "Chat",
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      reply_markup_message_id_ = 0,
      title_ = "kabayankababayan",
      top_message_ = {
        ID = "Message",
        can_be_deleted_ = false,
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        chat_id_ = "-1001006631380",
        content_ = {
          ID = "MessageText",
          entities_ = {
            [0] = {
              ID = "MessageEntityUrl",
              length_ = 25,
              offset_ = 0
          text_ = "",
          web_page_ = {
            ID = "WebPage",
            animation_ = false,
            audio_ = false,
            author_ = false,
            description_ = "The catalogue for everythings about Telegram bot",
            display_url_ = "",
            document_ = false,
            duration_ = 0,
            embed_height_ = 0,
            embed_type_ = false,
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                  ID = "PhotoSize",
                  height_ = 320,
                  photo_ = {
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                  photo_ = {
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                [0] = {
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                  photo_ = {
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                    size_ = 7613
                  type_ = "a",
                  width_ = 160
            site_name_ = "Telegram",
            sticker_ = false,
            title_ = "Telegram Bot Resources",
            type_ = "article",
            url_ = "",
            video_ = false,
            voice_ = false
        date_ = 1497086263,
        edit_date_ = 0,
        forward_info_ = false,
        id_ = 147849216,
        is_post_ = true,
        reply_markup_ = false,
        reply_to_message_id_ = 0,
        send_state_ = {
          ID = "MessageIsIncoming"
        sender_user_id_ = 0,
        ttl_ = 0,
        ttl_expires_in_ = 0,
        via_bot_user_id_ = 0,
        views_ = 95
      type_ = {
        ID = "ChannelChatInfo",
        channel_ = {
          ID = "Channel",
          anyone_can_invite_ = false,
          date_ = 1497538069,
          id_ = 1006631380,
          is_supergroup_ = false,
          is_verified_ = false,
          restriction_reason_ = false,
          sign_messages_ = false,
          status_ = {
            ID = "ChatMemberStatusLeft"
          username_ = "pegelinux"
      unread_count_ = 0

Test script
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