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Jon Ursenbach edited this page Jan 4, 2020 · 1 revision

This allows you to denote the maximum API version required for a resource action.


@api-maxversion version


Required? Needs a visibility Supports versioning Supports deprecation
× × × ×


Tag Optional Description
version × A specific, maximum API version required for a resource action.


 * @api-label Update a movie.
 * @api-operationid updateMovie
 * @api-group Movies
 * @api-path:public /movies/+id
 * @api-pathparam id (integer) - Movie ID
 * @api-maxversion 3.2
 * @api-error:private 403 (\Some\ErrorErrorRepresentation) - If the user isn't
 *    allowed to do something.
public function PATCH()