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Jon Ursenbach edited this page Jan 4, 2020 · 2 revisions

The @api-error annotation represents an exception that may be returned on a resource action.


@api-error:visibility httpCode (\Representation<error code>, vendor:tagName) - description


Required? Needs a visibility Supports versioning Supports deprecation
× ×


Tag Optional Description
:visibility Visibility decorator
httpCode × The HTTP code that will be returned. Example: 404, 403, etc.
\Representation × The fully qualified class name for a representation that will be returned.
error code An optional error code, if your application supports unique error codes, that this error returns. This can either be a numerical code (ex. (1234)), or a fully qualified static accessor (ex. (\Some\Exception::NOT_ALLOWED).
vendor:tagName Defined vendor tag. See the @api-vendortag documentation for more information. There is no limit to the amount of vendor tags you can specify on a parameter.
description A short description describing why, or what, this error is.


Usage with a vendor tag and description type:

 * ...
 * @api-error:public 404 (\ErrorRepresentation, needs:SomeApplicationFeature) - {user}
public function PATCH()

With an error code:

 * ...
 * @api-error:public 403 (\ErrorRepresentation<7701>) If the user isn't
 *     allowed to do something.
public function PATCH()

Standard usage:

 * ...
 * @api-error:public 404 (\ErrorRepresentation) - If the user isn't allowed
 *     to do something.
public function PATCH()