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Documenting your API

Jon Ursenbach edited this page Jan 4, 2020 · 1 revision


Resources are a collection of actions (endpoints). These can generally be referred to as a "controller" in a standard MVC application structure.

As long as a resource contains resource actions, there is nothing you need to do to document a resource. Resource action documentation will handle everything automatically.

Resource Actions

A resource action (endpoint) is something that you can execute from your API.

Mill is currently a bit opinionated in how it expects the names of your action methods to be; it looks for methods in resources that have RESTful names: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE

Documenting a resource action is easy, however:

class UsersController extends \MyApplication\Controller
     * Search for users.
     * @api-label Search
     * @api-operationid searchUsers
     * @api-group Users
     * @api-path:public /users
     * @api-contenttype application/json
     * @api-queryparam:public page (integer) - The page number to show.
     * @api-queryparam:public per_page (integer) - Number of items to show on
     *     each page. Max 100.
     * @api-queryparam:public query (string, required) - Search query.
     * @api-return:public collection (\MyApplication\Representation\User)
     * @api-error:public 503 (\MyApplication\Representation\Error) - If search
     *     is disabled.
    public function GET()

Here we're denoting that the action:

  • Powers "Search for users", by way of the non-annotated description
  • Handles the GET /users
  • Returns its content as application/json
  • Has five three request parameters
  • Returns a collection of User representations
  • Can throw a 503 Service Unavailable error if search is disabled.


A representation is an object of data that can be returned in a resource action. Since these cover a lot more data than a standard resource action, documenting them is a bit more work.

namespace \MyApplication\Representation

 * @api-label User
class User extends \MyApplication\Representation
    public function _json($user)
        return [
             * @api-data uri (uri) - The canonical relative URI for the user.
            'uri' => sprintf('/users/%d', $user->id),

             * @api-data name (string) - The users' display name.
            'name' => $user->getName(),

             * @api-data metadata (object) - The users' metadata.
            'metadata' => [
                 * @api-data metadata.connections (object) - A list of resource
                 *     URIs related to the user.
                'connections' => [
                     * @api-data metadata.connections.albums (object) - Info
                     *     about the albums created by this user.
                    'albums' => [
                         * @api-data uri (uri) - URI that resolves to the
                         *     connection data.
                        'uri' => sprintf('/users/%s/albums', $user->id),

                         * @api-data options (array) - Array of HTTP methods
                         *     allowed on this URI.
                        'options' => ['GET'],

                         * @api-data total (number) - Total number of items on
                         *     this connection.
                        'total' => $user->getAlbums()->total

Here you can see that a User representation can contain:

  • uri
  • name
  • metadata[connections][albums]