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API versioning

Jon Ursenbach edited this page Jan 4, 2020 · 3 revisions

As is the case with all API endpoints, there comes a time where you need to version specific endpoints, parameters, responses, exceptions, or representations. You can handle these types of changes in Mill by using the @api-version annotation on resource actions or representations.


Resource Actions

On resource actions, @api-version is a block-level annotation. This means that it allows you to classify any parameter following it as belonging to that defined version constraint. For example:

@api-param:public {on_all_version requests}
@api-version >3.2
// these will only be greater than 3.2
@api-param:public {filter}
@api-param:public {page}

@api-version >=3.4
// this will be greater than 3.4
@api-param:private {foo}
  • Anything below @api-version >3.2 will be parsed with version = >3.2 on it.
  • Anything below @api-version >=3.4 will have version = >=3.4.
  • And anything that doesn't follow am @api-version annotation will be treated as being available across all versions.

Versioning is currently only supported on @api-param, @api-return, and @api-error.


In representations, the @api-version annotation works as any other annotation.

 * @api-data pictures (\MyApplication\Representations\Picture) - The users' pictures
 * @api-version >=3.2

This response field will be then constrained to being available on anything above, or equal to, version 3.2.

Supported constraints

The backend for the Mill versioning system uses the core composer/semver package from Composer, so standard SemVer constraints will work, but you can see their versions documentation for more proper information.