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Jon Ursenbach edited this page Jan 4, 2020 · 1 revision

This allows you to describe the parameters of a coupled resource action path.


@api-pathparam paramName `sampleData` (type) - Description
    + Members
        - `option` - Value description


Required? Needs a visibility Supports versioning Supports deprecation
× × × ×


Tag Optional Description
paramName × This is the name of the parameter that is used within the path.
sampleData This is a sample of what the contents of the parameter should be. For example, if you're passing in a number, this can be "50".
type × This can be a reference to the type of variable that is being passed in (string, boolean, array, etc.), into the coupled path.
description × Description of what the parameter is for.
Members If this path parameter has acceptable values (like in the case of an enum type), you can document those values here along with a description for what the value is, or means.

Supported Types

Type Specification representation
array array
boolean boolean
date string
datetime string
float number
enum enum
integer number
number number
object object
string string
timestamp string
uri string


 * ...
 * @api-path:private:deprecated /movies/+id
 * @api-pathparam id `1234` (integer) - Movie ID
 * ...
public function PATCH()