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Jon Ursenbach edited this page Jan 4, 2020 · 17 revisions

A request parameter that can be supplied to a resource action via a body payload.

If you need to describe a parameter that can be used within a query string, use the @api-queryparam annotation.


@api-param:visibility fieldName `sampleData` (type, required|optional, nullable, vendor:tagName) - Description
    + Members
        - `option` - Option description


Required? Needs a visibility Supports versioning Supports deprecation


Tag Optional Description
:visibility Visibility decorator
fieldName × This is the name of the variable that the developer should pass in the request.
sampleData This is a sample of what the contents of the parameter should be. For example, if you're passing in a number, this can be "50".
type × This can be a reference to the type of variable that is being passed in (string, boolean, array, etc.), or can be one of the tokens that are configured for your API.
required|optional A flag that indicates that the parameter is, well, optional. If nothing is supplied, it defaults to being optional.
nullable A flag that indicates that the parameter is nullable. If nothing is supplied, it defaults to being non-nullable.
vendor:tagName Defined vendor tag. See the @api-vendortag documentation for more information. There is no limit to the amount of vendor tags you can specify on a parameter.
Description × Description for what the parameter is for.
Members If this parameter has acceptable values (like in the case of an enum type), you can document those values here along with a description for what the value is, or means.

Supported Types

Type Specification representation
array array
boolean boolean
date string
datetime string
float number
enum enum
integer number
number number
object object
string string
timestamp string
uri string


Mill allows you, if necessary, to define a single subtype for a parameter. For example, if you have a parameter that is an array of objects, you can set the type as array<object>.

Currently only array types are allowed to contain subtypes. To define subtypes of objects, use an @api-param annotation for each child parameter.


Because writing out the same parameter for a large number of endpoints can get tiring, we have a system in place that allows you to configure tokens, which act as kind of a short-code for a parameter:

In your configuration file:

    <token name="page">page (integer, optional) - The page number to show.</token>
    <token name="per_page">per_page (integer, optional) - Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.</token>
    <token name="filter">filter (string, optional) - Filter to apply to the results.</token>

And then you can just reference the token as part of @api-param:

@api-param:public {page}

You can also pass in any enum values into tokens just as you would with a regular parameter:

@api-param:public {filter}
    + Members


Using a token:

@api-param:public {page}

Using a token with available values:

@api-param:public {filter}
    + Members

With a vendor tag:

@api-param:public locked_down (string, needs:SomeApplicationFeature) - This is a cool thing.

Normal usage with acceptable values:

@api-param:private __testing (string) - This does a thing.
    + Members
        - `true`
        - `false`