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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Jun 22, 2018 · 3 revisions

Adds the specified data to data usage statistics.
Can be called before authorization.

addNetworkStatistics(entry, file_type, network_type, sent_bytes, received_bytes, duration, callback, data)
Field Type Description
entry string The network statistics entry with the data to be added to statistics. entry: File or Call.
file_type string Type of a file the data is part of. fileType: None, Animation, Audio, Document, Photo, ProfilePhoto, Secret, Sticker, Thumbnail, Unknown, Video, VideoNote, Voice, Wallpaper, SecretThumbnail.
network_type string Type of a network the data was sent through. Call setNetworkType to maintain actual network type. networkType: None, Mobile, MobileRoaming, WiFi, Other.
sent_bytes int53 Total number of bytes sent.
received_bytes int53 Total number of bytes received.
duration double Total call duration, in seconds.

Frequently Asked Questions
The Functions

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