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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Jun 24, 2018 · 4 revisions

Returns an instant view version of a web page if available.
Returns a 404 error if the web page has no instant view page.

getWebPageInstantView(url, force_full, callback, data)
Field Type Description
url string The web page URL.
force_full Bool If true, the full instant view for the web page will be returned.


  • Get an instant view version of if available.



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            text = "Over the past decade, Bluetooth has become almost the default way for billions of devices to exchange data over short distances, allowing PCs and tablets to transfer audio to speakers and phones to zap pictures to nearby computers. Now, researchers have devised an attack that uses the wireless technology to hack a wide range of devices, including those running Android, Linux, and, until a patch became available in July, Windows."
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                text = ", is notable for its unusual reach and effectiveness. Virtually any Android, Linux, or Windows device that hasn't been recently patched and has Bluetooth turned on can be compromised by an attacking device within 32 feet. It doesn't require device users to click on any links, connect to a rogue Bluetooth device, or take any other action, short of leaving Bluetooth on. The exploit process is generally very fast, requiring no more than 10 seconds to complete, and it works even when the targeted device is already connected to another Bluetooth-enabled device."
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            text = "\"Just by having Bluetooth on, we can get malicious code on your device,\" Nadir Izrael, CTO and cofounder of security firm Armis, told Ars. \"BlueBorne abuses the fact that when Bluetooth is on, all of these devices are always listening for connections.\""
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            text = "The attack is most potent against Android and Linux devices, because the Bluetooth implementations in both operating systems are vulnerable to memory corruption exploits that execute virtually any code of the hacker's choosing. The Bluetooth functionality in both OSes also runs with high system privileges, allowing the resulting infection to access sensitive system resources and survive multiple reboots."
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                text = " exploit, Armis Head of Research Ben Seri said. That makes the code-execution attack on that OS \"highly reliable.\" Android, by contrast, does use ASLR, but Armis was able to bypass the protection by exploiting a separate vulnerability in the Android implementation of Bluetooth that leaks memory locations where key processes are running. BlueBorne also massages Android memory in a way that further lessens the protection offered by ASLR. The result: Blueborne can carry out remote code-execution attacks on both OSes that are both stealthy and reliable."
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