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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Sep 15, 2017 · 2 revisions

Message with an invoice, can be used only by bots and in private chats only.

invoice | invoice| The invoice title | string | Product title, 1-32 characters description | string | Product description, 0-255 characters photo_url | string | Goods photo URL, optional photo_size | int32 | Goods photo size photo_width | int32 | Goods photo width photo_height | int32 | Goods photo height payload | bytes | Invoice payload provider_token | string | Payments provider token start_parameter | string | Unique invoice bot start_parameter for generation of this invoice

sendInvoice(chat_id, reply_to_message_id, invoice, title, description, photo_url, photo_size, photo_width, photo_height, payload, provider_token, start_parameter, disable_notification, from_background, reply_markup)
Field Type Description
chat_id int53 Chat to send message
reply_to_message_id int53 Identifier of a message to reply to or 0
disable_notification Bool Pass true, to disable notification about the message, doesn't works in secret chats
from_background Bool Pass true, if the message is sent from background
reply_markup ReplyMarkup Bots only. Markup for replying to message


Goods invoice.

Field Type Description
currency string ISO 4217 currency code
prices vector List of objects used to calculate total price is_test
need_name Bool True, if user's name is needed for payment
need_phone_number Bool True, if user's phone number is needed for payment @need_email True, if user's email is needed for payment
need_shipping_address Bool True, if user's shipping address is needed for payment is_flexible



Frequently Asked Questions
The Functions

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