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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Jun 25, 2018 · 4 revisions

Returns a list of archived sticker sets.

getArchivedStickerSets(is_masks, offset_sticker_set_id, limit, callback, data)
Field Type Description
is_masks Bool Pass true to return mask stickers sets; pass false to return ordinary sticker sets.
offset_sticker_set_id int64 Identifier of the sticker set from which to return the result.
limit int32 Maximum number of sticker sets to return.


  • Get a list of archived sticker sets.

    getArchivedStickerSets(0, `11223344556677889900`, 2)


      ["@type"] = "stickerSets",
      sets = {},
      total_count = 0

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