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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Jun 12, 2018 · 5 revisions

Sends an audio message.

sendAudio(chat_id, reply_to_message_id, audio, caption, parse_mode, duration, title, performer, thumbnail, thumb_width, thumb_height, disable_notification, from_background, reply_markup, callback, data)
Field Type Description
chat_id int53 Chat to send message.
reply_to_message_id int53 Identifier of a message to reply to.
audio inputFile Audio file to be sent. The file can be defined by its unique ids, remote ids, local path or generated by client.
caption string Audio caption; 0-200 characters.
parse_mode string Text parse mode.
duration int32 Duration of the audio, in seconds; may be replaced by the server.
title string Title of the audio; 0-64 characters; may be replaced by the server.
performer string Performer of the audio; 0-64 characters, may be replaced by the server.
album_cover_thumbnail inputThumb Thumbnail of the cover for the album, if available.
disable_notification Bool Pass true, to disable notification about the message, doesn't works in secret chats
from_background Bool Pass true, if the message is sent from background.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup Bots only. Markup for replying to message.


  • Send an audio message by its unique ids which is 212, into chat 1234567890. Add "Test" string in bold as its caption.

    sendAudio(1234567890,, 212, "<b>Test</b>", 'html')


      ["@type"] = "message",
      author_signature = "",
      can_be_deleted_for_all_users = true,
      can_be_deleted_only_for_self = false,
      can_be_edited = false,
      can_be_forwarded = true,
      chat_id = "1234567890",
      contains_unread_mention = false,
      content = {
        ["@type"] = "messageAudio",
        audio = {
          ["@type"] = "audio",
          audio = {
            ["@type"] = "file",
            expected_size = 9782617,
            id = 212,
            ["local"] = {
              ["@type"] = "localFile",
              can_be_deleted = false,
              can_be_downloaded = true,
              downloaded_prefix_size = 0,
              downloaded_size = 0,
              is_downloading_active = false,
              is_downloading_completed = false,
              path = ""
            remote = {
              ["@type"] = "remoteFile",
              id = "CQADBQADCgAD38dgVgaMSxP5WQ7GAg",
              is_uploading_active = false,
              is_uploading_completed = true,
              uploaded_size = 9782617
            size = 9782617
          duration = 244,
          file_name = "061 - Bee Gees - How Deep Is Your Love .mp3",
          mime_type = "audio/mpeg",
          performer = "Bee Gees",
          title = "How Deep Is Your Love"
        caption = {
          ["@type"] = "formattedText",
          entities = {
              ["@type"] = "textEntity",
              length = 4,
              offset = 0,
              type = {
                ["@type"] = "textEntityTypeBold"
          text = "Test"
      date = 1528824598,
      edit_date = 0,
      id = "15959326729",
      is_channel_post = false,
      is_outgoing = true,
      media_album_id = "0",
      reply_to_message_id = "15959326720",
      sender_user_id = 434567051,
      sending_state = {
        ["@type"] = "messageSendingStatePending"
      ttl = 0,
      ttl_expires_in = 0,
      via_bot_user_id = 0,
      views = 0

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