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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Jun 24, 2018 · 4 revisions

Returns a user that can be contacted to get support.



  • Get a user that can be contacted to get support.



      ["@type"] = "user",
      first_name = "Volunteer Support",
      have_access = true,
      id = 460000,
      incoming_link = {
        ["@type"] = "linkStateNone"
      is_verified = false,
      language_code = "",
      last_name = "",
      outgoing_link = {
        ["@type"] = "linkStateKnowsPhoneNumber"
      phone_number = "42460",
      profile_photo = {
        ["@type"] = "profilePhoto",
        big = {
          ["@type"] = "file",
          expected_size = 0,
          id = 6,
          ["local"] = {
            ["@type"] = "localFile",
            can_be_deleted = false,
            can_be_downloaded = true,
            downloaded_prefix_size = 0,
            downloaded_size = 0,
            is_downloading_active = false,
            is_downloading_completed = false,
            path = ""
          remote = {
            ["@type"] = "remoteFile",
            id = "AQADAQADNqgxG-AEBwAJdir3LwAEU59SwnvdwCZPWwEAAQI",
            is_uploading_active = false,
            is_uploading_completed = true,
            uploaded_size = 0
          size = 0
        id = "1975685412399158",
        small = {
          ["@type"] = "file",
          expected_size = 0,
          id = 5,
          ["local"] = {
            ["@type"] = "localFile",
            can_be_deleted = false,
            can_be_downloaded = true,
            downloaded_prefix_size = 0,
            downloaded_size = 0,
            is_downloading_active = false,
            is_downloading_completed = false,
            path = ""
          remote = {
            ["@type"] = "remoteFile",
            id = "AQADAQADNqgxG-AEBwAJdir3LwAE70OPua5PGtNNWwEAAQI",
            is_uploading_active = false,
            is_uploading_completed = true,
            uploaded_size = 0
          size = 0
      restriction_reason = "",
      status = {
        ["@type"] = "userStatusRecently"
      type = {
        ["@type"] = "userTypeRegular"
      username = ""

Frequently Asked Questions
The Functions

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