Code. Sleep. Repeat. Lifelong Reads for the ones who breathe code.
- agile-development
- agile-software-development
- algorithms - content
- amazon-web-services
- android - Hey there, iOS haters!
- android-app-development - Want to dive head first into the world of android app development? Well, this is the place for you.
- android-development
- androiddev
- angular - Angular was like, doing React's job before it was cool.
- angularjs - Angular was like, doing React's job before it was cool.
- api - Because defining interactions is important...
- api-development
- api-gateway
- api-integration
- apis
- app-development - All of the processes involved that developers call upon as they create applications for smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. Curated by the beautiful people of HackerNoon.
- application
- apps - With the world revolving more and more around technology, learning about apps is more useful than ever.
- architecture
- arduino
- asynchronous
- authentication
- automated-testing
- aws - Amazon Web Services, not American Welding Society.
- aws-lambda - Serverless computing.
- aws-services
- azure
- backend - All that server-side nuisance.
- bash
- beginners-guide
- beginners-to-coding
- bugs - It’s not a bug – it’s an undocumented feature.
- c - One of the mother sauces of programming, if a mother sauce could shoot you in the foot.
- c++
- chatbot-development
- cicd
- clean-code
- cli
- cloud - It's raining tech stories.
- cloud-computing - It's raining cloud stories.
- cloud-infrastructure
- cloud-native
- cloud-storage
- cms
- code - “First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.” – John Johnson
- code-quality - Whatever your metrics for judgement are, code quality stories on HackerNoon provide pointers that ease your way.
- code-review
- coding - “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” ― Martin Fowler
- coding-interviews
- coding-skills
- coding-with-velo
- command-line
- containerization
- containers - A standard software unit that packages code and all other accompanying components. This is done to ultimately ensure smooth running of the application across computing environments.
- continuous-delivery
- continuous-deployment
- continuous-integration - A vital process in software development and delivery, where code changes from multiple contributors on a single software project are continuously integrated
- conversion-optimization
- cpp
- csharp - Like Java, but it sucks less.
- css - Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) - easier than you think.
- css3
- database - 'A database is an organized collection of data stored and accessed electronically from a computer system'
- debugging - It’s not a bug – it’s an undocumented feature.
The Debugging Writing Contest is sponsored by our good friends at Sentry. Share your debugging stories and win from $1000 monthly prize pool!
- deployment
- developer - “Every great developer you know got there by solving problems they were unqualified to solve until they actually did it.” – Patrick McKenzie
- developer-tools
- developers
- development - “All things are difficult before they are easy.”
- devops - How Devs from Venus and Ops from Mars get along for fast and furious software development? Is DevOps with CI/CD the nitromethane to your SDLC?
- devops-principles
- devops-tools
- devsecops
- distributed-systems
- django
- dns
- docker - This is containerization space!
- docker-compose
- documentation
- dotnet
- dotnet-core
- ecommerce-web-development
- edge-computing
- elasticsearch
- elixir
- engineering - “Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.”
- Scott Adams
es6 - A newer version of javascript introduced in 2015. Also known as ECMAScript 2015 or ECMAScript 6
flutter - Google's open source UI development kit, used to develop cross platform applications.
front-end-development - The same old HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
frontend - The face, the experience - your product's first impression!
functional-programming - Dig Recursion? Welcome to functional programming
getsentry - Enter the debugging writing contest and win from $1000 prize pool! Share your #debugging story today!
git - Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. -
github - If Hacker Noon community built something using GitHub and wrote about it, you will find it right here. (Psst, if you did the same, we’d love to hear from you too)
golang - Real work applications of a statically typed language option, one identified to be particularly useful for lightweight micro-services, API generation and so forth.
graphql - An open source language that queries and manipulated data that moonlights as a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data.
hackathons - A fusion of 'hacking' and 'marathons', Hackathons have evolved from malicious connotations to becoming a powerful tool for innovation.
hacking - Welcome home, OG Hackers.
html - The HyperText Markup Language. But is it REALLY a language?
ios-app-development - Developing apps for iOS can be tricky. That's why we have these handy articles to help out.
java - Because COBOL and FORTRAN weren't stilted enough.
javascript - "Not a real programming language" since 1995.
javascript-development - Why was the JavaScript developer sad? Because he didn’t Node how to Express himself.
javascript-fundamentals - How do you comfort a JavaScript bug? You console it.
js - "Not a real programming language" since 1995.
kotlin - "Kotlin is a modern, cross-platform, multi-purpose programming language." - Kotlin official press kit
kubernetes - Is your system distributed, or just all over the place?
learn-to-code - “Give someone a program, you frustrate them for a day; teach them how to program, you frustrate them for a lifetime.” - David Leinweber, Nerds on Wall Street
learning-to-code - Coding is the new literacy!
linux - Free as freedom!
microservices - Loosely coupled and independently deployable.
mobile - These days, mobility is everything. Luckily, you can read these stories on the go.
mobile-app-development - mobile-app-development - one of the most abused tags on Hacker Noon.
mobile-apps - How many hours of our lives have we spent on mobile apps? Well, get ready to spend more with these articles.
monitoring - It's important to keep an eye on your software... The Debugging Writing Contest is sponsored by our good friends at Sentry. Share your debugging stories and win from $1000 monthly prize pool!
nlp - nlp - Natural language processing. A branch of AI that helps computers understand text and words like humans.
node - The most hated language powering web servers since PHP.
nodejs - The most hated language powering web servers since PHP.
object-oriented - “The object-oriented version of spaghetti code is, of course, ‘lasagna code’. Too many layers.” - Roberto Waltman
performance - Articles for you and your projects to reach peak performance. Enter the Debugging Writing Contest today to win from $1000 monthly prize pool!
programming - "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rich Cook, The Wizardry Compiled.
programming-languages - All the beautiful programming languages bundled into one section. From C++ to Swift, and everything in between.
python - I have this awesome Python library that -- wait, are you on 2 or 3?
react - Reteaching people basic web skills since 2013.
react-native - In case you wanted to complicate native app development by adding web-based technologies.
reactjs - Reteaching people basic web skills since 2013.
redux - An open source javascript library, commonly used with libraries like React or Angular for building user interfaces. It is used for centralizing and managing application state.
ruby - Big in Japan. Also, it was pretty big in the states from 2005-2015.
ruby-on-rails - Tonight we're gonna party like it's 2009.
serverless - Feel the magic of the cloud...
software-architecture - Software architecture is important if we are to understand systems in their entirety. It is primordial for system structure and a seamless decision-making process.
software-developer - Why did the developer go broke? Because he used up all his cache. - Elijah Manor
software-development - when it's been 7 hours and you still can't understand your own code...
software-engineer - Why did the developer go broke? Because he used up all his cache. - Elijah Manor
software-engineering - "Don’t worry if it doesn’t work right. If everything did, you’d be out of a job." - Mosher’s Law of Software Engineering
software-testing - Software testing involves all the processes that ensure a software product or application does what it's supposed to do.
sql - Domain-specific language for stream processing or data management in a relational database management system
swift - "Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS." - Apple Developer Website
test-driven-development - trial and errors are key to building anything new and innovative.
testing - A software tester walks into a bar Orders a beer. Orders 0. Orders 99999 beers. Orders -1. Orders hudggseadjdjktfibkd.
tutorial - You'll find many 'how to' stories here.
typescript - Javascript's superset, pedigree if you will, providing additional syntax and a more seamless integration with your editor.
velo - Use your software development skills to test Velo by Wix and stand to win $2000
vuejs - Java's open source frameworks offer immense value. Vue Js, in the same vein, is approachable and possesses intuitive API and world class documentation.
web-development - HTML/CSS, Javascript, Angular, React, and other stories by those who build the frontend of the Internet. This tag is sponsored by Elastic Path. You can write on web development and eCommerce to win from $12,000 prize pool!
webdev - Resources generated from and catering to the development of a website for internet or intranet.
website-development - We're well into the 21st century, it's crucial for your business to have a website. Here are guides and explanations on how to develop your own.