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Aleix Balletbó edited this page Jul 2, 2019 · 7 revisions

User Guide >> 4. Quality Requirements Generation >> 4.3 Decisions
◀️ 4.2. Quality Requirements | 5. Product Portfolio Quality Assessment Visualization▶️

The Decisions feature shows a list with information about all the decisions taken through the dashboard.

Decisions View

For every decision, this list shows the date, the decision type (which can be either ADD in case that the decision consisted in the addition of a new Quality Requirement, or IGNORE in case that the decision consisted in ignoring a Quality Requirement), the comments that the user wrote when the decision was taken (if any), the Quality Requirement, the Quality Requirement description, the Quality Requirement goal, the backlog identifier and the backlog URL if the decision is of type ADD and the Quality Requirement is saved in backlog, and the name of the user who took the decision.

Decisions list

Decisions in Historical Data Views

The decisions are also shown in the historical views of the assessment. In order to see the effects of the decisions in the assessment of the elements of the quality model, the charts show points for every decision taken in the corresponding days. For both types ADD (+) and IGNORE (x), the information box inside the chart shows the Quality Requirement and the comments made by the user.

Decisions chart Decisions chart info

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