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How to make your own Strategic Dashboard deployment

Lidia edited this page May 24, 2019 · 5 revisions

The dasboard is divided by different components that provides the different features. You need to clone and build the components from the corresponding repositories according to the functionality you want to deploy

  • qrapids-dasboard.war file.
  • qrapids-si_assessment-rest.war file. This component provides the qualitative assessment for the strategic indicators using Bayesian networks. The quantitative approach is already included in the qrapids-dasboard component
  • qrapids-forecast-rest.war file. This component provides the prediction features.
  • qrapids-backlog-XXX.war file. This component provides the export capability to your backlog when Quality Requirements are generated inside the Strategic Dashboard.

Once you have the war files you need, you need to follow the instructions described at How to deploy the Strategic Dashboard.

You can find the instructions of how to build the component in the file of the corresponding repositories.

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