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How to manage Strategic Indicators

Alexandra Volkova edited this page Feb 18, 2021 · 19 revisions

User Guide >> 7. Configuration >> 7.1 How to manage Strategic Indicators
◀️ 6. Reporting | 7.2 How to manage Quality Factors ▶️

In order to configure the Strategic Indicators, the user must go first to the Configuration area by clicking on the last option of the menu.

The contextual menu shows the Strategic Indicators option, which shows the view that enables the strategic indicators configuration.

New Strategic Indicator

First, the user needs to select the project on the left side of the view, the strategic indicators already created for that project will be listed below.

Then, the user must click on the New Strategic Indicator button, and the system will guide the user through the necessary steps in order to create a new strategic indicator.

The user must write the name of the strategic indicator (mandatory), and he/she can write a description or specify minimum acceptable value for the strategic indicator (threshold related with Quality Alerts functionality). Then, it is necessary to choose the factors to compute the strategic indicator by selecting them from the Available Factors column and placing them in the Selected Factors column. In the case that the strategic indicator assessment is computed using a Bayesian network, the assessment model file (Bayesian network) must be uploaded.

Strategic Indicator creation If the user wants to define this strategic indicator with weighted average, he/she have to select de corresponding option under Selected Factors column. It will be shown the corresponding form, where the user can especify the weights for factors which compose this strategic indicator. Otherwise dashboard will calculate this strategic indicator with a normal average as default option.

Weighted Strategic Indicator creation

If the form is not completed correctly, dashboard will show the next error message. Also it won't be possible continue if the total sum of weight for factors is not equals to 100 percent.

Weighted Strategic Indicator creation error

Finally the user must click on the Save Strategic Indicator button in order to save the new strategic indicator in the system.

Edit Strategic Indicator

In order to modify a strategic indicator from a concrete project, the user should select the project and then the strategic indicator from the list (on the left), and use the Save button (at the bottom). In order to modify if this strategic indicator use weighted average of its factors to calculate it or not, it's possible to use the same form as explained previously in strategic indicator creation section.

Strategic Indicator edition

Delete Strategic Indicator

In order to delete a strategic indicator from a concrete project, the user should select the project and then the strategic indicator from the list (on the left), and use the Delete button (at the bottom). After that you have to confirm your action, if you accept so this strategic indicator will be deleted from data base and you won't be able to see it on dashboard.

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