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Quality Alerts

Alexandra Volkova edited this page Feb 18, 2021 · 6 revisions

User Guide >> 4. Quality Requirements Generation >> 4.1 Quality Alerts
◀️ 3.3. Simulation from Quality Requirements to Strategic Indicators | 4.2. Quality Requirements▶️

This view informs about all the alerts that have been received, highlighting the new ones in red. Complementing the information about the alert (Date, Type, Name, Value, and Threshold), there information about the Impacted Factors (when Type=METRIC) and Impacted Strategic Indicators (Impacted SIs).

New alert with quality requirement

  • Search field: The alerts table is filtered by any column.

Alerts with filter

  • Clicking on the Column Name: The alerts table is sorted by this column. The table is sorted by default per Date.
  • Element Historical Assessment: Clicking on a concrete Name the historical view for the corresponding element raising the alert is open from 7 days before the alert to today. If Type=FACTOR, all the metrics impacting the factor or if Type=STRATEGIC_INDICATOR, all the factors impacting the strategic indicator will be included in the view.

Alerts historical

  • Associated Quality Requirement: When there is a quality requirement associated the Quality Requirement button appears. This button shows the quality requirement candidates when the alert has not been processed yet.

QR form

  • Decision: When the alert has been processed and decision has been take, the Decision button appears, showing the details of the decision (quality requirement and decision).

QR decision

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