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2013 10 22

Andre Merzky edited this page Oct 22, 2013 · 8 revisions
  • Who: AndreM, Ole, Ashley, Antons, Matteo
  • Agenda:
    • open TODOs
    • Development Roadmap
    • Mailing Lists
    • A.O.B.
  • open TODOs:
    • DONE Ole: simple performance check (create 1k small docs over high-latency link, etc). Compare to redis as baseline. Agree to use MongoDB baseline perf is in same ballpark.
      • benchmarks on different abstraction levels (plain mongo, driver, pilot API)...
      • MongoDB security model looks suitable
    • TODO Ole: define type of MongoDB entries we need (probably approx 1 per stateful entity? Check if that makes sense), and define who owns those entries in what state. We can probably leave remainder of the data model fluid for a while
      • optimize unit ops vs. pilot ops, for example
      • DM not yet fixed, need to define hot spots
      • next couple of days, then implementing
  • Development Roadmap:
    • see SP1 Roadmap and Milestones
    • MT: demo missing -- how to measure success?
    • DONE AM: make this very specific, start from mission statement
  • AOB:
    • TODO AM: clarify BigJob code placement
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