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2020 02 11.v2

Mikhail Titov edited this page Feb 25, 2020 · 6 revisions
  • timeline:

    • 1 month for design document, still needs some cleanup
      • evaluate incremental vs. new code base
    • April partitioning
    • after partitioning, review rc.conn
  • config system

    • dis-entangle orthogonal elements
      • agent layout
      • agent config (lm, schedulers, ...)
      • resource config (RP + RS!)
      • tuning (perf, inspection, workload specific)
    • somewhat uniform across layers
    • fast enough to support config management for micro services
    • json based
      • with composition of those elements
      • simple API (abstract locality, insertion, access, expansion)
      • use schema? configs are mostly internal, and often flexible on purpose...
  • question of granularity in separation of concerns

    • TODO AGENDA MT/AM: relation between ZMQ and PROTOCOLS
      • reconsider what is the surface
      • trade-off between exposing REST / ZMQ / API
      • how do our choices on protocol / comm layer relate to those choices
    • TODO AGENDA: feedback to configs
      • sharing vs. duplication of configuration between truly stand-alone components
    • TODO AGENDA: paper

MTi proposal to handle config files

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