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2017 09 26

Andre Merzky edited this page Sep 26, 2017 · 2 revisions

Open Actions:

Active issues:

Open discussion items:

  • VB: GPU application testing
    • nice and good so far
  • AM/VB: Rhea support
  • RP experiments
    • MT: MongoDB on DTN - DONE
    • MT/MM: experiment setup - DONE
    • MT: analysis pipeline - WIP
    • AM: workload integration
    • AM: profile profiler
  • Ming/OSG:
    • condor hist still called
    • data analysis
      • AM: convert old -> new
  • Iannes:

RP: next release:

  • point releases + RA hackathon
    • stabilizes due to RP paper experiments
  • 0.47: GPU (limited set of resources)

EnTK 0.5:

  • release planned for ASAP after RP 0.46.
  • testing spreadsheet coming

Any Other Business:

  • RCT Code Walkthroughs: GPU scheduler
    • reschedule
    • link prof event model
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