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2016 06 16

Andre Merzky edited this page Jun 16, 2016 · 6 revisions
  • Agenda:
    • Agenda Bashing
      • TODO MING/MATTEO: presentation next week (eScience)
      • TODO ANTONS: presentation in two weeks from now
      • TODO VIVEK : presentation in July
      • TODO SHAWN : presentation in August
      • publications page
        • update to Iannis: TODO Mark, Antons, Iannis, Andre
        • TODO Iannis: send mail about how to update bib files
      • mlab limitations (size, performance, database, disconnect)
        • use EC2 instances again?
        • TODO AM: estimate traffic as f(n_units, ttc)
      • synapse ticket
        • TODO AM: check util branch req
      • BW: ORTE
        • TODO IANNIS: check devel
      • replacing /bin/sleep with something else
        • admins are prickly about too many idle runs (e.g. supermic)
        • short running jobs account as failure, changes queue policy (e.g. stampede)
        • TODO AM: expand synapse to cover 'compute for 5 min'
      • huddle on Friday 17th
        • TODO: define call time: 5pm
        • motivation: tutorial, summer school (500 people -> mongodb instances)
        • polar science group: 250k long running jobs
          • -> reliability
        • reliability: can be quantified
        • usability: less so, but can prioritized
        • docs: faq, error messages, what-if, how-to
        • TODO ALL: all come up with list of usability issues -> prioritize
          • Ming/Shawn: less info: tell me what to put where, press 'run'
          • Antons : have MongoDB installed as part of RP?
            • TODO AM : investigate options
    • BW Usage:
      • we are at 20% of allocation, need to east up about 40M core hours in next ~8 weeks
      • TODO ALL: design experiments
    • RP Status:
      • OSG data staging is being iterated
      • backfilling is back
      • Shantenu: plan for usability sprint (at least identify issues...)
      • TODO AM: plan for this, huddle next Friday? (17)
    • Mark:
      • TODO MS: CUG presentation @radical call
    • LSU/EC2:
      • AM/Ming: update from Philip Fowler...
      • WIP: LSU pipeline...
      • grad student (Rochester): EnembleTK
        • model for cardiac scar tissue
    • RepEx:
      • Experiments, paper finalized
    • YARN:
      • AL can use RP+Yarn now
      • experiments toward bio MD analysis tools over RP/Yarn/Spark
    • SPARK:
      • stable...
    • AIMES:
      • paper to escience submitted
      • work on proposal
      • WIP: aimes journal paper
        • use synapse for workload emulation again (incl. OSG)
    • EnsembleToolkit/Extasy: *
    • Shawn:
      • ensemble toolkit / patterns for astro use cases
      • meanwhile work with leaflet finder
    • Shantenu:
      • TODO SJ: transfer darter credits
    • Tickets: *
    • AOB:
      • two upcoming tutorials:
        • XSEDE, July 17
        • Virtual Summerschool, August 9/10
      • TODO AM: plan for partitioning and session disconnect/reconnect
      • TODO AM, MT: backup planning
      • TODO AGENDA: Ioannis/George, Vivek, Antons: paper presentations
      • TODO SJ: cybertools overview
      • TODO AGENDA: where go user credentials? context vs. user pilot description.
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