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2020 08 25.devel

Andre Merzky edited this page Aug 25, 2020 · 2 revisions
  • SAGA - job description cpn / gpn

  • RE termination
    • users need to be educated: latest stack, explicit termination
  • gpu sharing
    • mem needs to fit
    • number of concurrent tasks is limited by server config (48 default)
    • only CudaVisibleDevices needs to be set
    • Wenji, toward end of year
    • other use cases may benefit quickly
  • resources
    • list all valid resources in docs?
      • TODO IP: check script
      • TODO AM: check resource configs (tacc / xsede)
  • TODO AM: move radical-base to sandbox
  • TODO AM: docs/architecture snippets: cleanup, integrate some
  • TODO ALL: open RA documentation tickets (or PRs!)
  • TODO ALL: test coverage
  • TODO ALL: populate project issues
    • AGENDA: discuss second Tuesday of month
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