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2016 04 14

Andre Merzky edited this page Apr 14, 2016 · 4 revisions
  • Agenda:
    • Agenda Bashing
    • RP Status:
      • SC'16 paper is out
      • WIP AM: Greenfield
      • TODO AM: open tickets for gsissh, 2 nodes
      • DONE AM: #
      • TODO AT: test split module branch
    • LSU/EC2:
      • TODO AM: send EC2 account details for credit transfer
      • AM/Ming works with Philip Fowler to get SAGA/EC2 working
      • support Heather on EC2
      • WIP: LSU pipeline...
    • RepEx:
      • TODO AT/AM: follow up with #923
      • running experiments
    • Jenkins:
      • RP tests in working order
      • TODO AT: check remote test
      • TODO AM: check local test
    • YARN:
      • TODO: check anaconda CUs on stampede
      • TODO: follow up with AL on OS-X problems
      • TODO AM: let pilot drain w/o client connect
    • SPARK:
      • WIP: Hausdorf distance
    • AIMES:
      • TODO MT: test synapse integration
      • TODO MT: Swift and OSG integration
      • TODO AM: documentation on separation of state model
      • Ming runs AIMES experiments
      • troubles with OSG experiments
    • EnsembleMD/Extasy:
      • work on Extasy paper (stampede, archer, bw)
      • Peter/Tom: pattern
    • Nikhil:
      • reproduce Hadoop paper experiments (w/ Ioannis)
    • Sean:
      • MIA
    • Shantenu:
      • MIA
    • Tickets: *
    • AOB:
      • TODO AM, MT: backup planning
      • TODO AGENDA: Ioannis/George, Vivek, Antons: paper presentations
      • TODO SJ: cybertools overview (April 21st)
      • TODO AGENDA: where go user credentials? context vs. user pilot description.
      • code/commit reviews...
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