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2014 07 17

Andre Merzky edited this page Jul 17, 2014 · 2 revisions
  • Who: Mark, Matteo, Vivek, Shantenu, Ole, AndreM, Antons

  • Agenda:

    • open TODOs
      • DONE AM: triage 4k ceiling
      • TODO OW: sync accounts to
      • WIP SJ: write up SuperMuc/BlueGene progress for P.Coveney (accounts)
      • TODO OW/AM: follow up with Scott Michael / accounts
      • WIP AT: follow up on trestles with AT
      • DONE OW: check on unit test hanging
      • DONE AM: new port for MongoDB, and add UserPass
      • DONE ENMDTK: use devel to test apps
      • WIP OW/SJ: follow up on app details with Scott Michael
      • TODO OW: get small-ish data set from Scott Michael's group
      • DONE AM: plot scale up to 512 / 1k / 2k / 4k pilots over 0.5* / 1* / 2* / 4* CUs on stampede, archer
      • WIP AM: trestles
      • DONE ALL: review BJ regression tests
      • DONE AM: AGENDA: merge of staging branch for MS.8?
    • plan release
      • Jenkins :/
      • tickets
    • ticket checkup for MS-8
    • merge of staging branch for MS.8?
    • Performance / Optimization
    • testing procedures
  • Notes:

    • TODO OW: release...
    • TODO AM: AGENDA: cleanup
    • TODO AM: AGENDA: discuss auto-kill agents with Matteo
    • TODO AM: AGENDA: discuss state model wrt. data branch
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