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2020 11 17.devel

Andre Merzky edited this page Nov 18, 2020 · 4 revisions
  • RA: experiences
    • see here
    • TODO IP, HL: fix / Entk session description
    • TODO AM: RE meta data, object hierarchy
  • testing
    • TODO ALL: ensure that coverage is not decreasing - part of PR review!
  • TODO AGENDA: async workflow in MIDAS
    • example: double loop around bag of tasks
    • run one large/long simulation, run concurrently short analysis pipelines
    • can likely be covered by better WF orchestration
    • should we have control options between the entities?
    • TODO: dedicated meeting to RE redesign
  • Travis
    • changes to paid model
      • we have to limit workers
      • we are currently not affected, can observe limits
      • also, paying is ok really
    • same anaconda (but not condaforge)
    • github is expected to remain free for academia
    • we still have no real solution for data storage
      • github-lsf / cloud / self-hosted / ECE-hosted?
    • TODO AGENDA RCT Nov. 17
      • data archival
  • RE: release
  • resources
    • list all valid resources in docs?
      • TODO IP: check script
      • TODO AM: check resource configs (tacc / xsede)
  • TODO AM: move radical-base to sandbox
  • TODO AGENDA: switch from VE to CONDA?
    • conda freeze?
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