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2019 08 06

Andre Merzky edited this page Aug 20, 2019 · 5 revisions
  • Princeton:
    • need app reproduces
  • Iceberg
    • eScience paper accepted
    • 3 out of 5 use cases ready
    • packaging use cases as pypi modules is somewhat challenging
    • command line interface in the works
    • py3 as workload works with some hiccup
  • Heng-Ma / Summit
    • initial paper went out, w/o EnTK
    • SC paper upcoming, HL/MT to pick discussion up again
  • Los Alamos
    • no access for us
    • they test RCT
  • Sea Level Rise
    • first end to end execution
    • moving to more models (from Matlab to python)
  • Chodera / UCL / Argonne
    • picked up again
    • problems to port application to summit
    • need application comm tunnel set up (TODO AM)
    • test Rhea again, might get used (TODO MT)
  • NGE
    • slow but steady progress
  • Summit / PRTE
    • scaling experiments, performance analysis
  • RCT grant (January '20, 3 years :-) )
    • wohoo!
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