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Mission Statement

Andre Merzky edited this page Jan 10, 2016 · 1 revision

Mission Statement

The first implementation of SAGA-Pilot will focus solely on the research purposes of the RADICAL group, and aims to specifically support:

  • The implementation and evaluation of scheduling algorithms.
    • A plugin mechanism allows to exchange unit scheduler algorithms.
    • Scheduler algorithms can act upon pilots in PENDING, ACTIVE and final states, and upon units in NEW, PENDING and final states.
    • Scheduling decisions are enacted by RP.
  • The investigation and refinement of P semantics.*
    • The differences between the BigJob pilot API and the PR Pilot API are motivated and documented.
    • The mapping of RP components to P* components is motivated and documented.
    • RP supports research on PilotData (see below).
  • The investigation of data management capabilities in the P layer.*
    • The pilot data strand of RP is implemented symmetrically to the pilot job strand.
    • Data management pilots and data managing scheduler plugins can be implemented and integrated with moderate effort.
  • The implementation of Troy as higher level workload orchestration layer.
    • RP supports the use cases and traces as defined by troy, within the defined performance expectations.
    • RP is integrated with Troy, and can be used as backend.
  • The verification of F modeling efforts, as a platform for verifiable, reproducible and consistent experiments.*
    • RP can be used to run synthetic, well defined workloads, to complement modeling efforts in F* with experiments.
    • RP performance is easy to measure, and well understood.

RP is not aiming to

  • be a high-performance or high-scalability framework,
  • operate securely on multiple DCIs,
  • operate concurrently across multiple DCIs,
  • is user friendly (on the level of domain scientists),
  • handle NAT and Firewall connectivity issues transparently,
  • provide simple means for debugging, auditing, provenance.

That is not to say that those properties 'must not be implemented', but rather that they are not first-order concerns in the design and architecture of RP.

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