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2014 03 12

Andre Merzky edited this page Mar 19, 2014 · 3 revisions
  • Who: Mark, Matteo, Shantenu, Ole, AndreM, Antons

  • Agenda:

    • open TODOs
      • TODO SJ: check with Scott Michael
    • review roadmap
    • follow up with Scott Michael
  • Notes:

    • Scott Michael
      • TODO AM: follow up with Scott
      • clarify who does what...
      • try to mimick BJ workload, or fake it
    • Release March 15
      • on track
      • version
        • dynamic seems complex
        • Ole added static version additionally
        • Matteo: keep version static, report git tag separately, if available
        • TODO AM: implementing
    • naming
      • yes
    • milestone 7:
      • stability, performance, portability
        • cray (not critical)
        • mpi support (must)
        • limits on agent (must, discuss together with cray, mpi)
        • error reporting / exception handling between worker thread and API
      • SJ: support NMDK
        • mostly known
        • x000 cores, (intra-node, inter-node?) mpi
        • share input data
      • TODO OW: get quantitative EnMDTK requirements
      • TODO AM: define MS7 features after agent arch discussion
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