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2020 07 07.devel

Andre Merzky edited this page Jul 7, 2020 · 3 revisions
    • WIP MTu: analytics on ReadTheDocs would be useful
    • Abdullah: #2132: Amarel, Memory -> SeeLevelRise
      • TODO MTi
    • Abdullah: Amarel, SAGA dir creation
      • WIP AM
    • Abdullah: SAGA docs
  • RE
    • Friday call: Roadmap, States
    • WIP AM: examples for surprises
  • RA
    • TODO AM: clock precision
      • TODO AM: binary GTOD
  • Security: MTu
    • Jupyter notebooks not on public IP anymore
      • HL: maybe run in docker?
      • MT: deploy as service?
      • AA: ssh forwarding (slow though)
  • Lassen : MTi
    • TODO AM: remove URL pass from log strings
  • requirements
    • DONE AGENDA: again
      • attach duration as dict to all entities, lookup durations by name
      • debugging
      • incementally add checks to radical-analytics-check (resource details)
  • TODO AM: deployment roadmap
  • TODO AGENDA issues (once per months)
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