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2020 08 11.devel

Andre Merzky edited this page Aug 11, 2020 · 4 revisions
  • RA 1.5 released - wohoo!
    • TODO ALL: feedback on durations PR
    • post-process fixing to close durations which have been opened (on truncated sessions)
      • recovers utilization and basic statistics up to failure
      • planned for October release
    • TODO ALL: open documentation tickets (or PRs!)
  • releases for RP, RS, RU
  • RE release
    • test fixes
    • travis test VM shows inconsistent results, needs further debugging
    • IP: mock message channels (similar to RP)?
    • look into more unit focused unit tests
    • maybe disable issue tests in travis (run full stack)
  • resources
    • summitdev can go
    • list all valid resources in docs?
      • definition of valid varies
      • TODO IP: check script
      • TODO AM: check resource configs (tacc / xsede)
  • WIP Aymen: unit tests for executor
  • TODO AM: multi-agent: radical-base to sandbox
  • TODO AM: docs/architecture snippets: cleanup, integrate some
  • project issues (once per months)
    • SMT attribute does not exist in SAGA
    • GPU arch: same - use SystemArchitecture?
    • MT: standards can and should be updated, should be done only when needed
    • OGF Editor pipeline is still active, amending spec is possible
    • MTi:
  • TODO AGENDA: NoDB (October - November)
  • Gordon-Bell submission planned
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