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2016 09 08

Andre Merzky edited this page Sep 8, 2016 · 2 revisions
  • Agenda:
    • Agenda Bashing
      • TODO SEAN: presentation on research topics
    • RP Status:
      • work towards aimes experiments, OSG
      • release v0.43 is out
        • TODO AM: think about Jetstream, Bridges as part of test protocol
    • Mark:
      • n/a
    • Ming:
      • relinguished OSG responsibility
    • Anastasis:
      • n/a (skipping for next 4 weeks)
    • Antons:
      • running experiments
    • Ioannis:
      • WS debrief
        • more time for each workflow tool
        • WS series likely continues (possibly not live, but recorded)
      • continue work on yarn/spark merge
    • George:
      • n/a
    • Matteo:
      • the usual... :)
    • Vivek:
      • n/a
    • Sean:
      • n/a
    • Alessio:
      • reading up on workflow systems and implementations
    • Shantenu:
      • n/a
    • Tickets: *
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