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2018 05 08

Andre Merzky edited this page May 8, 2018 · 3 revisions

Agenda / Notes

- use cases -> requirements -> architecture -> implementation -> testing -> release
- Milestones: 
  - Use cases, Requirements (early April)
  - Feasibility, Prototype  (early June )
  - Implementation          (end   June )

  • updates:
    • Team 1: Ioannis, Will, Jumana
      • ticket
      • use case document
      • start with disk estimates (3 sigma) as discussed, then improve estimation during agent runtime
      • data gathered on supermic, others are incoming
      • toward prototypes
      • sync with team 2 ok
    • Team 2: Vivek, Srinivas, George
    • toward integration (code review)
    • TODO class: notes on meetings
    • BNL:
      • celerie performance: bad for small tasks: 3 seconds per task? Why?
      • dask seems to leak memory in their use case
      • do a proof of concept on their use case?
      • be cognizant of the 'streaming' paper / project constraints

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