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2019 03 26

Andre Merzky edited this page Apr 9, 2019 · 5 revisions


  - new call cadence
    - Tuesday 3pmE: RCT group call (projects, papers, ...) (bi-weekly)
    - Tuesday 4pmE: RCT class
    - Tuesday 5pmE: development call (tickets, milestones, features, ...)

  - Matteo:
    - 2 proposals, 2 papers up to April 8
    - remote: April 11 - April 18 (partly offline)
  - Giannis: 
    - paper
    - summit
    - no major project updates (iceberg release in summer)
      - present iceberg release scope in one of the next calls (stack, scope, ...)
  - Hyungro
    - data management in RP
      - 3 hours for reading files -> needs to be optimized to ~minutes
      - possibly use ZMQ to communicate data
      - shared FS is too expensive
      - can gromacs output be captured in memory?
    - comparison between messaging protocols 
  - Jumana
    - work with Arvind, Inspire
  - William
    - ?
  - Srinivas
    - #302 fixed?  post-exec syntax has changed
    - repex arch changes, toward journal paper
    - Vivek: apply to repex simplex
  - Vivek
    - hotfix release
    - working on dissertation :-)
    - collaborating with Weyming, Uno
  - Andre:
    - release (Weyming's code on Cheyenne)
    - prelim
    - summit/prrte
    - diving into EnTK
  - Aymen
    - working Iceberg use case
      - pipeline close to be complete
      - restructure model, running experiments
    - work on paper, thesis
  - Shantenu
    - RCT proposal (April 8)
    - other proposals...
    - NFS @ white house :-)
    - collaborations
    - talk at Livermore (*buuh!*)
  - Rafael
    - htbac and EnTK
    - bridges queue times are bad :-(
    - what resources can be used for development?
      - TODO: discuss on next call, collect info meanwhile
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