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2020 07 28.devel

Andre Merzky edited this page Jul 28, 2020 · 2 revisions

    • Abdullah: Amarel, SAGA dir creation
      • WIP AM
  • RA

    • TODO AM: clock precision
      • TODO AM: binary GTOD package
  • Lassen : MTi

    • TODO AM: remove URL pass from log strings
    • tunneling:
      • if tunnel exists, then is used by MongoDB, even if only needed for apps
      • TODO MTi: open issue to discuss
  • TODO AM: deployment roadmap

  • TODO AGENDA issues (once per months)

  • WIP Aymen: unit tests for executor

  • TODO AGENDA: invite Abdullah, discuss cybertool web pages (content)

    • TODO ALL: provide input for content discussion
    • TODO SJ/MT: separate call for web page maintenance before next week
  • python version: 3.6

  • multi-agent: radical-base to sandbox

  • analytics dicts: no better idea

  • documentation: architecture snippets: cleanup, integrate some

  • release, PR reviews!

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