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2014 01 07

Andre Merzky edited this page Jan 7, 2014 · 5 revisions
  • Who: Antons, Ole, Ashley, AndreM, Shantenu

  • Agenda:

    • open TODOs
      • TODO AZ, AT: sinon demo testing, open tickets
        • run unit tests, all demos, on localhost and on FG machines
      • TODO OW AM: ask other people to start testing -- early next year?
    • updates from Ashley, Antons, Ole
    • roadmap updates (SP1 Roadmap and Milestones)
      • MS.5 (Feb 1): Sinon replaces BJ as research vehicle in Radical
      • MS.6 (March?): Sinon is fit for future research in Radical
        • covers features as initially planned
  • Notes:

    • sinon integration into troy progressing

    • performance better than BJ

    • MS.5, BJ replacement:

      • focus on documentation, security contexts, usability
      • limit MS.5 to no-data
      • replace BJ in BJS with Sinon
      • tutorial in ~2 weeks
      • TODO AM/OW: agree on release date
    • TODO AM: make MS.5/MS.6 more explicit / detailed

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