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2019 05 07

Andre Merzky edited this page May 7, 2019 · 1 revision
  • Aymen:

    • paper
    • entk @ scale (128 cores @ bridges)
    • cuda impl of alg
    • bridge startup (rct class) stuck
  • Raffael:

    • away
  • Andre

    • jsrun
    • entk
    • travel
  • Matteo:

    • papers
  • Will:

    • document
  • Ioannis:

    • paper
    • proposal
      • autonomous manager
      • execute scientific campaigns
  • Hyungro:

  • Srinivas:

    • replica selection alg
  • Vivek:

    • entk test
  • open TODOs:

    • TODO AM, MT: May 14: prepare proposal discussion / brain storm
    • TODO: Frontera: discuss our use case with TACC (Tim Cockerill, Bill Barth)
      • first get early access
    • TODO AM: account for Amarel (Galen)
    • TODO IP: check on Bridges-AI
    • TODO Aymen: QCG-Pilot capabilities
    • TODO AM, MT: compare QCG-Pilot architecture, structure, API
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