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2018 04 18

Andre Merzky edited this page Apr 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

RCT Links:


  • quick release cycle:
    • some hiccups, but we'll continue with the scheme for now
  • EnTK:
    • json dump for workload
    • bulk submission
  • Cheyenne:
    • TODO VB: confirm
  • Jumana:
    • perf analysis for heterogeneous (PoE / EoP)
    • timestamps in analytics
    • ORTE on BW -> ticket
    • ORTE on Titan with HTBAC: about 600 nodes look stable (cuda)
  • Ioannis:
    • finished task parallelism paper
    • focus back on stragglers now
    • TODO AM, SJ: paper to web page
    • TODO IP: check cancellation branch
    • Iceberg
  • George:
    • TODO AM: wrangler ticket
    • saga-hadoop streaming
      • kafka + spark requires partitioning
  • Srinivas:
    • unclear scaling behavior
      • scheduling bottleneck on high-frequency exchanges (1/sec)
      • min runtimes of 15 sec (little noise)
      • 4k units

Any Other Business:

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