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2014 02 11

Andre Merzky edited this page Feb 11, 2014 · 4 revisions
  • Who: Antons, Ole, AndreM, Shantenu, Matteo

  • Agenda:

    • open TODOs
      • TODO OW: plan to replace BJ in BJSimple
      • TODO AM: sync with Antons about testing plan (incl. SJ)
    • updates from Antons, Ole
    • replace BJ in BJSimple
    • data release
      • staging
      • what else, if anything?
    • AOB, tickets
  • Notes:

    • TODO OW: Sync with Vivek and MS about BJA/SP

    • TODO AM: Testing with Antons on Friday

    • TODO AM: add data staging directive parser into utils

    • MT: do not only focus on zero-load tests, not only on corner cases!

    • OW: Sandbox now defaults to $HOME/.sagapilot.sandbox/, otherwise abs sandbox path

    • TODO AM: next call: discuss long term plans for async PS and bulks etc.

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