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2015 08 12

Andre Merzky edited this page Aug 12, 2015 · 5 revisions
  • Agenda:
    • open TODOs:
      • TODO AM: check if we can switch to HeartbeatMonitor for pilot health checks
      • TODO AM: suggest alternatives for PTY layer resource consumption
      • TODO AM/MS: estimate hard limits toward fall
      • TODO SJ: investigate VO access for OSG
      • TODO AM: review communication model with MS
      • TODO AM: re-integrate communication model with agent
      • TODO AM/MS: prepare action/support plan for activities on BW (Aug 15)
        • objectives, challenges, timelines, phase 1
      • TODO MS/AM: Anaconda/SuperMUC
      • HOLD MS: add NAMD examples eventually? (Tom Bishop)
      • WIP AM: set up example on how to use synapse as RP workload
      • WIP AM: check documentation of state diagram in released docs

      • HOLD MT: move semantic elements of tools into RP.utils
      • HOLD MS: add/move remaining pieces (dataframe for profiles)
      • HOLD AM: proposal to json export to persistent storage
      • HOLD MS: proposal for persistent experimental data storage
    • Development Progress:
      • OSG
        • further optimization only after code base stabilizes again
        • MT reports working tests
      • BW
        • smoothing out details of communication channel setup
        • TODO ALL: switch to our own allocation on BW
      • Yarn
        • watcher in POPEN expanded to pull yarn states
        • what does 'application size' mean?
      • modules @ stampede
      • POPEN
      • testing
        • TODO AM: merge testing back to devel
        • TODO AT: move to jenkins
      • profiling
      • Anaconda support on Archer
    • Data Roadmap:
    • Experiments:
    • Publications:
      • --
    • AOB:
      • CECAM Tutorial
        • online documentation vs. online tutorial
      • SC15 Tutorial
  • Notes: *
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