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2021 02 08.devel

Andre Merzky edited this page Feb 8, 2021 · 3 revisions
  • Bridges-2
    • Bridges will be decommissioned
    • can we access already?
      • probably, if not, open ticket
    • file-mover is available
  • codecov / gh actions
    • WIP, issue opened, maybe switch
  • PR PRTE-2
    • ready for review
    • RM test coverage!
  • release
    • RP: task rename
      • TODO AM: open RE PR
    • RP: schedule_lookup
    • RP: cprofile
    • RE tags resolved
      • will be merged
    • release action being tested
      • pushes to pypi
    • RA release
  • RP co-location
    • colo broken, signature changed
    • tag format changed
    • TODO AM: check scheduler state
  • tags / PRTE2
    • partitions -> into RM
  • tests in RP
    • fail after a bad merge - which one?
    • run tests for devel also
    • DONE IP: remove admin rights for merges
    • TODO IP: remove try/except clauses
  • TODO IP/MTu: Summit access for IP
  • env isolation
    • repex, hyperlearn
    • Feb: task description
    • March: same in RE
  • TODO AGENDA: discuss
  • TODO AGENDA: raptor integration
  • TODO AGENDA: Task Description
  • TODO AGENDA: config system
  • TODO AGENDA: PRRTE stress test (conserve allocation)
  • clean up munch / config / description in RU (MTi / AM)
  • we need to pick up test coverage (component test, unit test, integration tests)
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