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2017 04 03

Iain Bethune edited this page Apr 3, 2017 · 3 revisions

Attendees: SJ, MT, GC, AM, AA, JD, NM, MTH Apologies: SM, MM

New Actions:

  • MM + AM Bring MM on-board to review the threading/termination changes, in particular to consider what automated tests can be put in place.
  • IB Work towards including EnTK in development management process.

Current Actions:

  • IB Check with MTH if he is working to any urgent timescales that need fixes on devel
  • IB Check with VB if there is an urgent use-case that would demand including feature/partitions in this release.
  • MT Open a ticket to investigate SSH/GSISSH authentication default to XSEDE
  • IB Organise a discussion between Andre, Mark, Ioannis & Matteo on how to properly solve RP #1190 and related issues re: pre-exec
  • MM Create a PR for the new pytest version of the example scripts

Active issues:


  • Release date planned for 2017-04-28

  • AM working on threading / termination changes this week. MS will review, IB and MM also offered. Aim to get some coverage of this into the automated test suite (see action above)

Any Other Business:

  • MM reports Jenkins is now running the new "unit test" cases (see, but no PR yet due to some other outstanding issues: RP #1298 and RP #1170

  • VB raised memory issues RP #1303 and performance relating to large numbers of files staged per CU. SJ pointed out we should be testing at scale.

  • Blue Waters allocation renewal looking positive, expect to happen in a few months.

  • IB will be on holiday next Monday. SJ to decided nearer the time whether to have a dev meeting or postpone.

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